Saturday 4 December 2010


If your looking for a man for Xmas, whether it's casual or Mr Right, try these tips.....

  • What do you want? Think about whether it's a lover or a boyfriend you're looking for first.
  • Speak to a friend about why you think you're single. What have your previous blocks been? Are you being too picky?
  • Get out there! Finding a good man is not like shopping online, you don't just click and they turn up on your doorstep. 'Tis the season to have plenty of excuses to go out more and the Law of Probability suggests the more men you meet, the more chance you have of finding the one you want.
  • Scan him out first. Check his availability over Xmas, and if he is unattached. If you want a man to keep you warm over the festive period, it's no good if he goes away skiing from 1st December to 1st January, so lightly drop into conversation what he does over Xmas.
  • For the First Date suggest local and fun ideas that you're both into so he feels included. Why not try an outdoor icerink and a movie you both want to see.
  • Book check yourself, meaning you must make sure you're both on the same page. If it's a relationship you want, make sure he's not just after one thing and vice versa.
  • Mix it up to create more intimacy and staying power. Don't do things that only you or he likes, find common ground and share your mutual interests. Mix with each others friends' and family and create your own hobbies as a couple.
  • As the Big Day approaches, don't push to be invited round for Xmas dinner. Go with the flow and have the chat earlier on about what he is doing on Xmas Day, this makes it more likely for him to offer you that invite you want.

Remember girls, if it's a relationship you want, then a man is not just for Xmas. However, if it's a lover you want ignore the nice 'not just for Xmas' sentiment and go have fun!

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